A research institute specializing in Materials Science


Opening the Global Research Laboratory Program

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Date08-02-25 10:44 Hit9,451


(Above) From left to right: Vice President Dr. Byeong Kee Kim, President Dr. Hak Min Kim, Project Leader Dr. Joon Hyung Byun,
director of the Materials Processing department Dr. Jung Hwan Lee

On Thursday, February 21, 2008, the department of Materials Processing announced its opening of the Global Research Laboratory
(GRL) Program. KIMS was chosen as one of the two selected GRL in the area of Nano Technology. There were 39 pre-proposal
submissions, where ten reviewers (including two foreign researchers) made the final selection of two GRL teams.

The GRL Program is a program for international cooperation to ensure the enhancement of Korea's national science and technology
comptetency and increase Korea's R&D productivity. The sharing of results from large-scale scientific projects, and the reduction of
overall research expenses are pursued through active participation in the multi-partisan international joint programs for developing
world-class science and technology and solutions for global problems.

The GRL program is to establish and operate world-class laboratories capable of leading global cooperation in core technology fields
and to increase international cooperation. It aims at:
 upgrading domestic research competence to a world-class level
 securing overseas future core technologies and strengthen practical international collaboration
 laying the groundwork for the establishment of Korea-led global cooperation network in core technologies
 elevating Korea’s S&T credibility in the international S&T arena

Areas of Technology Supported
The GRL program supports technologies annually announced by public call based on the following criteria:
- Core technology area; strategic conformity with technologies of national priority; the level of need for global joint research; the
government's R&D budget allocation efficiency; and the research project’s potential to contribute towards S&T development.
- Areas Supported in 2007 (A Total of 16)
Stem cell application; Early diagnosis of cancer; Environment conservation & restoration; Gene therapy (Customized medicine); Nano
-based materials; IT Nano device; Bio information application technology; Environmentally-friendly Nano materials; Nano-level
materials processing; New & Renewable Energy; Prevention of and response against natural disasters; Bio immune protection and
infectious diseases control; Nano-bio materials; Next-generation display technology; Biochip Sensor technology (U-Health); and
Climate change projection & responsive technologies for environmental change

Qualified Labs for the GRL
 Korean Research Laboratory (KRL):
Any Korean research center, research laboratory or research group of an organization or institution are qualified to apply for the GRL
program according to Article 7 (Clause 1) of the Technology Development Promotion Law.
 Foreign Research Laboratory (FRL):
Foreign GRL candidate labs are required to have the ability to construct a collaborative partnership with a Korean laboratory in the
proposed research field, as well as be equipped with outstanding research capabilities in the relevant field.

Tentative Timeline
 Feb: Public Call for Proposals
 Apr: Preliminary Proposal Review
 May: Full Proposal Review (Only proposals that passed the preliminary review)
 July: Program starts

Other Requirements
 All proposals must be completed in English. Proposal presentation reviews will also be conducted in English.
 Each representative of the Korean laboratory and the Foreign laboratory should participate in the proposal review to present
the goals of their joint research, the roles of the individual laboratories and the competence of the respective research partner.
 Foreign experts will be invited as committee members to the review.
 The transference of the Host Institute or PI role is very restrictive.

Contact Information
For further information, please contact:
Ms. Yong-hui Lee / Program Manager
Korea Foundation for International Cooperation for Science and Technology
Tel: +82-2-6710-7464
E-mail: yhlee@kicos.or.kr.

* The GRL program is supported by the Korean Ministry of Science & Technology (MOST) and managed by the Korea Foundation for
International Cooperation of Science & Technology (KICOS).

* Source Site: Korean Ministry of Science & Technology (MOST)