A research institute specializing in Materials Science


KIMS succeeded to run UAV with fuel cell

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Date11-04-11 09:53 Hit5,014


KIMS succeeded to run UAV with fuel cell


Korea Institute of Materials Science(KIMS) succeeded at trial running of UAV(Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle) containing self-developed fuel cell.

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UAV with fuel cell has high energy density for its battery. Thus it can stay in the air for a long time without noise, which allows to apply it to the pilotless reconnaissance.


Dr. Cheolnam Yang, Senior Researcher of the Materials Processing Division, KIMS, succeeded to run the UAV with the main power, self-developed fuel cell, for 30 minutes. He used 100ℓ of hydrogen compressed in the high-pressure tank. He also mentioned that the running time can be controlled by the amount of hydrogen.





Dr. Cheolnam Yang(ycnam19@kims.re.kr)

Materials Processing Division

Korea Insitute of Materials Science