A research institute specializing in Materials Science


Seminar from Ibaraki Japan on Steel Deformation

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Date08-04-29 15:34 Hit9,170


On April 23, 2008, the Ferrous Alloy Group of the Adavnced Metallic Materials Department invited Professor Y. Tomota from
Ibaraki Univeristy of Japan as a guest lecturer entitled, "Heterogeneous Deformation Behavior of Steels studied by Neutron
Diffraction and EBSD". The lecture touched upon the tensile behaviors of five types of steels (ferrite, as-quenched martensite, quenched/tempered martensite, pearlite, and austenite steels), using TOF neutron diffraction and FEM/EBSD(Electron Back-
Scattered Diffraction). Professor Tomota also took the opportunity to introduce a MECA SENS V international conference,
which is to be held in 2009 at Mino City, Japan, as well as introduce the Ibaraki neutronics cluster.

Professor Tomota is currently a Professor in the Graduate School of Science and Engineering Institute of Applied Beam
Science at Ibaraki University. His research topics include: Ferrous, Nonferrous metals and alloys and Composite materials,
Applications of neutron diffraction to materials engineering, and Ecomaterials and smart materials.