A research institute specializing in Materials Science

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None R&D | KIMS Artificial Intelligence and Science Talk Contest will be held from Mar. 2 to Mar. 31

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Date23-03-07 17:48 Hit279


KIMS Artificial Intelligence and Science Talk Contest will be held from Mar. 2 to Mar. 31

Researchers aid in conversation with artificial intelligence (AI)!

Following the craze of ChatGPT, a generative artificial intelligence (AI), the Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS), a government-funded research institute under the Ministry of Science and ICT, is holding “KIMS Artificial Intelligence and Science Talk Contest” which connects interactive artificial intelligence platforms and materials science.

The ChatGPT, OpenAI’s conversational AI model, has gone viral, but sometimes it can not provide enough information. The purpose of the contest is for KIMS scientists to directly supplement the materials science information provided by ChatGPT to present more accurate information.

The application form must be submitted by Friday, March 31. Those who wish to participate in the contest should chat with ChatGPT about KIMS or on the subject of materials science (metal, ceramic, powder, nano/surface technology, composite material, material process, etc.) and copy and paste the conversation on KIMS Sangsang Platform website (https://sangsang.kims.re.kr) to submit. Only one submission per person is allowed and there are no entry requirements.

The novelty of the topic (question) and the quality of the conversation will be evaluated by KIMS and about 50 applicants who submitted excellent conversations will be awarded. For some of the transcripts submitted, the researcher will directly add information to ChatGPT's answers.

Jung-hwan Lee, the President of KIMS, said, “With the emergence of ChatGPT, the interactive artificial intelligence platform, the world's interest in the information generated by artificial intelligence is rapidly increasing. By properly communicating with ChatGPT and correcting the contents directly by the researchers, I expect more accurate scientific information can be provided.”

KIMS Artificial Intelligence and Science Talk Contest will be held from Mar. 2 to Mar. 31